Friday, July 10, 2009

Meeting people

I guess there are those people who are in the limelight (like let's say, Michael Jackson) who you just know aren't going to be that great to meet 1-on-1. Watching Wimbeldon the other day, I was rooting for Rodger Federer for a number of reasons, but primarily because I think that if I caught him in an airport, he'd give me the time of day.

Today was my last day of 2 weeks looking after my 3 (or 4 or 5) children. It's been a rewarding, sometimes trying but generally interesting 2 weeks. Having 3 certainly helps! But that's not the point of this musing. Cara and I have been trying to build a xylophone for her school project. It was an ambitious project (though at the outset, I thought "how hard can this be!"). We're almost done now. The Internet, some planning on paper and then Cara and I tackled it. There was much sawing and glueing, and we got 90% of the way there. I'd made the keys, but not tuned them. Save my two earbones (and Jenny says those don't work very well; especially when it comes to 'have you washed the car lately?'), I have not a musical bone in my body and the Internet was either overly mathematical or generally vague on how to tune these things. So, true to dad fashion, I phoned a friend. Well; not actually a friend, but someone who makes their living playing the Marimbas.

Enter Ross Johnson.

So, having looked them up on Google, I got hold of amaAmbush productions. The guy I spoke to said Ross would call me back. I thought "ja, right!". But he called and he offered to come to their factory and help me tune these beasties. We duly arrived and what an experience! Ross went out of his way to include the children. He explained what we were about to do, played a piece ('In the Jungle') on one of his Marimbas with them playing along, and focused on their task, including them all the way.

It's funny. For such a long time I've been to see his concerts and enjoyed every minute. He looked like the Rodger Federer type; but who's to know? Yet today, Ross showed why he's destined for great things. It was such a pleasure meeting someone of his caliber. If I were only that influential at his age! Sigh.

I guess he'll not remember me at future concerts, but I'll still believe that he's a really fantastic guy who is unbelievably talented and doing more good here in our funny South African than most other people out there. So there you go.

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